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Things to Do in San Juan, Puerto Rico

With a mix of rich history, unique culture, fascinating Colonial Spanish architecture, and stunning natural beauty, surrounded by a rugged coastline, there are so many things to do in San Juan, Puerto Rico, that it’s hard to know where to start. San Juan is just a two-and-a-half-hour flight from southern Florida, making it an easy getaway destination for a long weekend as well as a popular port of call on cruise ship itineraries. Prior to the arrival of Columbus in 1493, this island paradise was populated by the indigenous Taino, but when the Spanish Conquistadores arrived, their destiny changed forever. Over the following four centuries, despite numerous attempts by English, Dutch, and various French privateers to take over this strategically placed island, Puerto Rico remained in Spanish hands. Then, as a result of the Spanish-American War, it was ceded to the […]

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